At UKRL, we don’t just understand the importance of health and safety leadership, it’s part of our culture. We want all our people to be safe and healthy as a minimum. We believe that investing in good health and safety management is not an additional extra; it is a foundation of a high-performing business.
Our management are committed to making sure that our organisation, and the arrangements for health and safety are effective, properly resourced and implemented. In addition, we ensure we have a transparent approach to health and safety management, engendering confidence for everyone who works or visits us.
We prevent accidents and ill-health by identifying, assessing and controlling health and safety risks. The organisation and arrangements we have in place means we don’t just ‘talk the talk’ but that safety is imbedded into everything we do in a very practical way. This means a consistent approach to training, reporting, auditing and a feedback mechanism that ensures continuous improvement.
A copy of our Safety Policy is available here
In adopting a sustainable approach to our business, we fully comply with environmental legislation and work to continually reduce our waste and energy usage. We also recognised that we are important stakeholders in the local community, so we also consider our impact on a local basis.
Sustainability is about more than just the Environment; it also encompasses the social and economic spheres, underpins environmental justice, energy efficiency and sound business ethics.
At UKRL, we understand the importance of environmental leadership. Our management are committed to making sure that our organisation and the arrangements we have in place for environmental sustainability are effective, are resourced and are fully and consistently implemented.
Practically, this means minimising energy use and reducing the impact on the local environment and preventing pollution from our activities. To that end, our site drainage and interceptor equipment and pollution prevention equipment are regularly surveyed to ensure any discharges do not cause issues.
UKRL also supports the education and skills development of local people, and we invest in the local community for the long-term, employing many people from the local area.
All UKRL’s outdoor lighting has now been replaced by LED flood lighting and the plant is operated by a system management computer to ensure minimum energy use.
We supply traincare to CrossCountry and have become a natural ‘lay over’ for them, minimising their geographic movements and reducing their own emissions.
These are practical demonstrations of UKRL’s commitment to improving not just our own energy and environmental impact, but also contributing to reducing the impact of our customers’ activities.
A full copy of our Environment Policy can be found here